Transforming Childcare Dynamics

We Strive

Enhancing Social & Emotional Skills

Developing Physical Skills

Strengthening Cognitive Language Skills

Our program includes structured activities and insightful guidance designed to promote self-regulation, build relationships, and improve decision-making skills. We cultivate these skills to empower children in understanding and managing their emotions, fostering positive interactions with others, and making thoughtful decisions.

We have integrated activities into our curriculum that aim to improve both fine and gross motor skills. We focus on fine motor skills through tasks that demand precision and hand-eye coordination, while our activities for developing gross motor skills involve broader movements engaging the arms, legs, feet, or the entire body.

Our curriculum lays emphasis on literacy, mathematics, and vocabulary to enhance cognitive language development. We strive to instill a passion for learning and establish a robust foundation in these critical areas.

What Sets Us Apart

Progress Monitoring

To keep parents in the loop about their child’s growth and development, we offer weekly progress reports. These updates give parents insights into their child’s achievements and areas that require more focus.

Targeted Skill Development

We empower parents with the knowledge of the essential skills their child needs to acquire. This information serves as a guide for engaging activities at home that reinforce what is learned in our programs.

Why Is It Important?

Early Identification of Challenges

Through proactive intervention, we are able to help detect and address any potential learning challenges or developmental delays early on. This proactive approach enables us to provide timely, personalized support where it’s needed most and provide the necessary interventions and resources to support our families both when their child is within the center and at home.

Gaining an Early Advantage

By emphasizing the development of core skills, we equip children with a head start, laying a firm foundation for their journey into grade school. Mastery of these skills at an early age can lead to a smoother and more successful transition into formal education. This early advantage also gives parents insight on how to best advocate for their students as they move forward throughout their educational journey.

Affordable early learning programs in Cedar Rapids

Together, let's prepare your child to excel!

Your child is unique, and we are happy to provide an educational, fun, and nurturing environment where each child can develop and thrive in order to build a bright future with unlimited possibilities.

Experience the Excel difference and give your child the best start in their educational journey.